Saturday, January 3, 2009

A place for everything-even if it means putting it in the garbage!

This is the first of many projects I'm working on. I'm cleaning EVERYTHING out. I'm tired of clutter, tired of messes, tired of not knowing where something is, and tired of stuff being everywhere. I've sorted, trashed, piled for donation, and sorted some more. I can't lift over 5 pounds, so that makes things interesting :) My dear hubby is beginning to wonder if the doctors tinkered with my brain a little-due to this sudden fluctuation in my behavior. He hopes that it sticks, but knows that I'm good at digging in, but not always so great at keeping up with it. So take a look at my first project:

Back when Isaac was only a flutter in my tummy we began working on his room. We tackled the closet first, hoping to get it ready and be able to be organized. Ha!! Ha-Ha!! We got the great Closetmaid set, did drawers, 2 poles, shelves, all the right stuff-but it was almost like it was too much space. I've struggled with what goes where and what to do with the shelves for 4 years. But now, I'm into the lets just stick it all in a basket phase-so that's what I did. I bought baskets, and Santa brought my DH a snazzy labeler in his stocking. I'm hoping that the old saying "a place for everything and everything in it's place" will pay off. I've never been good about having a place for everything-so here it goes!

The infamous shelves. The higher they go, the less Isaac needs to reach it!Keeping fire gear closest, of course :)

Soft toys, puzzles, and finally a drawer for shoes so they aren't all over the floor!!

All this was stuffed inside his desk and never used, because he couldn't get to it. Now, paper, workbooks, and coloring books all within reach :)

This hanging organizer was great, but his "equipment" always fell out. Now there are baskets in each hole-pretend, Carolina Panthers, Clemson, Soccer, and Baseball.

I would love to know your tips and tricks for staying organized and dealing with clutter. What are you secrets, routines, or habits that help you keep your home in order?


Lana said...

Looks great! is one "not-so-kept" secret. Also, I try to ask myself Do I use it? and/or Do I love it? If the answer is a no then it is time to go. I still have some "hidden" junk places in my house too. You have inspired me to tackle on of those right now!!! Love Ya girl!

Julie said...

I, too, am a follower! I'm posting about my daily and weekly routines as I get myself back on track.
Great job on your son's room!

Elaine said...

I need to be inspired by you and you new neatess. I hope that you keep it up and that it extends to school. Love Ya!!!!

Jodi said...

great job - love how that closet looks! that's one of the projects we desperately need to tackle...ugh! I'm definitely a clutter bug! Thanks for some great inspiration! Take care!!