Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What can I say?
I am a girl smack dab in the middle of a boys world!
I am a girl smack dab in the middle of a boys world!
Between my "boys club" of a class @ school and my boys @ home---some days it's INSANE!
You don't believe me?
No--Really, it's INSANE--
I have proof. . .
Told ya-
Totally Insane!
you thought this was what we usually looked like--
Sorry-that's one of those optical illusions!
Friday, July 30, 2010
So Blessed!
They may be firefighting, fish catching, turtle chasing, water squirting, mud-slinging, 4-wheel riding, crazy boys-
but they're mine
Thursday, July 29, 2010
A Boy and a Barn
Still playing with posting directly from Picassa-can't seem to do more than 4 pics per post if I do it that way!
Thought I would try a collage-if you click it, it enlarges!
Shot these about 2 weeks ago on one of the boys fishing adventures.
One day this sweet little face will be all grown up-until then, I'm ploying all my mommy tactics to make sure I have plenty of fun photos to go with our memories :O
Jones Gap State Park
We had a fun family adventure several weeks ago! We visited Jones Gap State Park-which is only about a 25 minute drive from our house-for the very first time! Not only was it @ least 15 degrees cooler there, it was gorgeous! Nestled right in the mountains, with the river flowing through it was an awesome choice for a quick family getaway. This was our first shot at hike in camping-and we didn't do too shabby-considering we had a 5 year old in tow and Russell was the only one with a "real" pack. I have to say that I enjoyed it even better than our other camping trips, because we were out far enough to be away from lots of other people and the normal hustle and bustle that goes along with a campground. I can't wait to try it again-soon!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Our Little Soccer Player
We were VERY excited that Isaac had the opportunity to try soccer in the spring! We are just a little bias, as hubby and I both were soccer players, and both our families are really partial to the sport! Isaac played basketball this year for the first time to, we are eager to let him find what he likes best--but he really enjoyed soccer even though it was a super short season-sooo we are ALL looking forward to the real thing beginning in August or September :0
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Looking Back
Sometimes, its easier to just live life and not look back. Not think about yesterday or the woulda, coulda, shoulda's! As I grow though, I find that it's where I've been and what God has gotten me through that make me who I am. So yes, maybe life would have been easier without some of the yesterdays, but then I wouldn't be who I am today-and while I know God's not finished with me yet, He has brought me so far in the last few years and for that I am so grateful!
I found these pictures I never posted from my sweet baby brother's wedding and it just made me think of how far we've come! We were so happy on this day, oblivious to the twists and turns ahead. We never know what is going to come our way in life, only God knows, because it's His perfect plan-designed just for us!
And so after this happy day God carried us through and delivered us from what could have been even more life changing than it was! When the doctor's confirmed that there was a mass on my liver to say I was afraid would not be accurate, I was terrified. BUT--I was immediately filled with peace-knowing that the fact that the mass had been found was a gift from God during an ultrasound to check my gall-bladder. After zillions of tests, several doctors, and two surgeries-I have 1/2 a liver, no gallbladder-but here I am! God allowed me to go through this storm, He carried me through it, with my family, my friends, and my church family.
I am healthier now than I have been in years, and so thankful for what feels like a 2nd chance at life. God has blessed me in so many ways and I'm so thankful that He has more for me to do and He isn't finished with me yet!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
I turned 30 back in May-and survived-lol!!
If you've been reading-(when I've posted, which I know has not been often lately) you know that I've been on a weight-loss journey. My mantra has been Thin and Thirty. I haven't made my goal weight yet-but I've lost about 45 lbs, so birthday time seemed like the perfect time for a reward!
So---- I drug Lana along kicking and screaming (sense the sarcasm) to a day at the spa in our of our weight loss and my birthday!
Lana was the perfect accomplice making sure I had the appropriate new clothes to wear--she insisted that I needed not just 1 new outfit for the "big reveal" but also something to wear to church Sunday and then of course School on Monday!
We had a great time shopping and it was amazing what I was able to find now that I have lost some weight!
We had a great time shopping and it was amazing what I was able to find now that I have lost some weight!
If you know me "In Real Life" then you know that ALL my life I've had long hair to some degree. I liked it, but was tired of the lack of style-it just laid there. So when we decided on a spa day, I decided on a drastict new-do! I researched choices, printed pictures, even played with styles online that you could crop onto a picture of yourself.
Even with all the anticipation-I was a wreck when the stylist pulled my hair back and CHOPPED my ponytail off-it was sooo short. The hair was enough to be donated, which was awesome, and after some work my hair turned out amazing!
Before leaving for our spa adventure
Pretty nails
Saying goodbye to blah!
Drumroll Please....
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Children's Tylenol and Motrin Recall
Throw it away!!!
Go here for a complete listing of the specific Tylenol and Motrin products that are effected.
From the looks of it, it includes all of their children's and infant's products.
I've been using store brands this week so I'm hoping they are still safe!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
IEP's according to Dr. Seuss
Do you like these IEPs?
I do not like these IEPs I do not like them,
Jeeze Louise
We test, we check we plan,
we meet but nothing ever seems complete.
Would you, could you like the form?
I do not like the form I see.
Not page 1, not 2, not 3.
Another change, a brand new box, I think we all Have lost our rocks.
Could you all meet here or there?
We could not all meet here or there.
We cannot all fit anywhere.
Not in a room Not in a hall
There seems to be no space at all.
Would you, could you meet again?
I cannot meet again next week
No lunch, no prep Please here me speak.
No, not at dusk and not at dawn
At 4 p.m. I should be gone.
Could you hear while all speak out?
Would you write the words they spout?
I could not hear, I would not write
This does not need to be a fight.
Sign here, date there, Mark this, check that, Beware the student’s ad-vo-cat(e).
You do not like them so you say
Try it again! Try it again! and then you may.
If you let me be, I’ll try again and you will see.
I almost like these IEPs
I think I’ll write 6,003.
And I will practice day and night
Until they say "You’ve got it right."
author unknown
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