Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, Russell worked, and guess what????
Isaac could not go to sleep for the life of him, not in the bed, not on the couch, not in my lap, not in the house, not with a mouse-----He just would not, could not go to sleep.
Less tears-less sleep
Then. . . .
Last night was my birthday, and Uncle Brandon read him a book, and he fell asleep by himself after Uncle B left-WOW!!!
What a birthday present!!
In other news my friend Heather Cassidy, Mommy to Carson and Ella, is home!!!! She has been in the hospital and then rehab, following an automobile accident. We are so glad she is home and pray for continued healing and comfort.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Bedtime Update
No tears!
No Screaming!
No Puking!!
One of us has been laying down with him, but at this point, anything is better than what we have been going through!
He still ends up waking up sometime in the middle of the night and getting in bed with us, but at least he is going to bed decently :)
Here's to many more nights of easy sleep!
Note: The evil mommy in me has started bedtime rituals at 7:00 everynight, so that he would be asleep by 8, hey, it worked!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
More Bedtime Woes
I can't do this anymore!!
He works himself into such a dither that he starts coughing his awful asthma cough and then pukes up mucus. This week had been much better, until last night. . .
Isaac seems to have a deep fear that we are going to leave him---and I don't know what to do to fix it. When I was sooo sick Russell and I left before he woke up to go to the hospital and then I was gone for 2 weeks. He was shuttled back and forth between grandparents. Now, everytime he goes to sleep he thinks we are going to leave.
Friday, May 2, 2008
I thought that this was just adorable!
Daniel-See No Evil
Isaac-Speak No Evil
Daven-Hear No Evil
Too Precious :)
Entertain Me
Daddy's Boy
He does everything himself---
The Massive Entertainment Center
A Little Man
I have a little man with very specific taste! It's amusing, because everyone assumes that since I'm the Mommy that I have chosen Isaac's clothes and dressed him sooo cute.
It turns out that my 3 year old has very specific ideas about what he should and shouldn't wear. He has deemed some of his clothes as "Tacky" , other clothes have categories, such as football clothes, soft pants, Uncle Brandon Shirts, and chokey shirts.
Isaac's idea of church clothes is what you see above. Sometimes he will go without his jacket, but he refuses to wear just a simple polo shirt and khaki pants. Those aren't church clothes according to him. Also, they are only church shoes if they are dressy and shiny, brown casual shoes like you might wear with khaki pants don't count.
I do want to say one thing. I think it's very important for Isaac to make choices and this is one area where I can give him freedom, so I do. He can't decide what time to go to bed or to have candy for supper, but he can choose what to wear without their being a major disaster.
And that I think is important.
Bedtime Woes
Fast forward 6 months: Isaac has tonsilectomy, Mommy gets spinal menigitis and is in the hospital for 2 weeks, Daddy becomes a firefighter.
And now I have a 3 1/2 year old who screams and cries when going to be is even mentioned. Most nights he cries so hard we end up letting him fall asleep on the couch. He refuses to go to his own bed, says he doesn't like it and agrees that we can take everything he owns away. He has also suggested just putting his bed in our room. Some nights he gets so upset, he coughs and throws up.
SOooooooo-This week I have been tough and he has slept in his bed. I have gotten in bed with him to help him settle down and then gotten up when he was almost asleep. He still has cried and still makes us leave the lamp on and he still wakes up sometime during the night and gotten in our bed.
I am a Momma on the edge!!! What do I do??? I do not want bedtime to be traumatic every night. I do not want to continue on this path. So fellow bloggers, any suggestions?????
From the Mouths of Babes