Monday, August 4, 2008

What lies ahead

In the dark corners of my cluttered, unfinished classroom lie stacks of things that haven't found a home. New things in boxes wait, new treasures I have found this summer. My mini-van is burdened with quite a load of treasures I have unearthed during our break. New read alouds, maps, alls orts of precious things. All meant to inspire and intrigue a new group of students. In 2 weeks and 1 day students will be filling that room. Day after day, hour after hour. It's not ready for them yet. The perfect nooks for curling up with a book haven't been fixed, there are no empty baskets waiting to be filled with their perfect selections, their are no carefully written name tags, or perfectly sharpened pencils, Not Yet. But on the 19th, when those students arrive, there will be. There will be a morning message, literacy invitations, icebreakers, community building, love, and a room full of things to help feel these students with knowledge and caring.

So, if you ask me if I'm ready the answer is two fold. I am, I am more ready than I have been in a long time. I am inspired by my reading, my reflecting on past years, and my research. The room is not ready, but as always it will be, we will all be ready!

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