Thursday, August 21, 2008

A New Adventure

Well, I'm starting a new adventure. One I've never been on before: Weight Watchers. Thankfully I'm taking this journey with two great friends who are going to hold my hands the entire way, they promised. We were supposed to take before pictures last night after our first meeting and the last supper, but we forgot in our silly stupor!! We will get to it, I definitely want to be able to document the change together!!! I am so excited to start something and have people to support me along the way :) So here goes week 1 my first goal is 21 pounds, I'm going to see if I can find a ticker!!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Im proud of you, have heard great things about WW, Hope the school year is going okay...and not too stressful. Sara

Anonymous said...

hows it going so far!!