Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday Update

Sorry for the delay in updates this week-it's been a busy one!

I went to Dr.Mossburg, my GI, today. The liverscan didn't reveal anything significant to help them feel certain about anything. This is good and bad. They didn't look at it and think bad things, but they also couldn't be certain that it is benign. Soooo as always we are on to our next step.

The next step:

I am awaiting a phone call from either Dr. Mossburg's office or the surgeon's office. I will go for a consultation with the surgeon and then they will make the decision on how to proceed with biopsy, gallbladder, etc.

I must say that God has really gotten me through the last 2 weeks, but the more this drags on, the harder it gets to stay call and have peace. I don't want to be out of comission another holiday season and as we go from step to step we get increasingly closer to the Isaac's bday, thanksgiving, Christmas, santa's workshop-the list just goes on and on. So, I am really working on being ahead of the game, getting done what I can get done, and getting my house in order. I even thought I might try to do some ahead of the game cooking this weekend and freeze it for Thanksgiving or even do holiday baking. Who knows!

Prayer-Thank you for your continued prayers for us during this time! I have been so touched by the friends, coworkers, church family, and others, who have lifted us up to our Lord. We have truly been in God's hand through this. I know we are where we are because of HIS almighty plan and I hope I can carry out what he wants me to do! Pray that we are guided to a skilled surgeon who will be able to complete both procedures, that we will get appointments quickly, but that we will remember we are on GOD'S time, not our own. And most of all that we continue to seek his will in this and all situations :)

1 comment:

Lana said...

Have I told you today how much I love you and cherish our friendship? You have handled this entire situation with such patience, grace and faith...a true inspiration to those around you!!!
Love ya!